The RecategorizeIt flow implements the following scenario: several people should process emails delivered to the shared mailbox. A manager assigns each new message to a team member using a category. After that, each new ingoing message of this thread will be categorized automatically by the flow.
SendAsDL Flow allows you to send emails as a distribution list from the mobile Outlook.
ForwardGroupEmail flow can forward any email delivered to an Office 365 group to another mailbox or distribution list.
InOutBoard flow creates a SharePoint list containing contact information of all users and also their presence/absence status and location.
SeparateMeetingMessages flow moves meeting requests and meeting responses you sent to the subfolder of the default Sent Items folder.
UnreadNotifier flow sends a notification email with a list of messages in a shared mailbox left unread for more than an hour.
This instant flow shows users' reactions to your last 10 sent emails. Use this flow as a base for your own flow that handles Outlook reactions.
The flow ensures that the message created with the shared mailbox's From address stays in the mailbox that it originated from after saving.
The flow ensures that the message deleted from the secondary mailbox will be placed in the "Deleted Items" folder of the secondary mailbox.
FromGALtoContacts product is targeted to users who run Outlook on their mobile devices. FromGALtoContacts is a cloud instant flow that creates a local Contact for each mailbox in the GAL. You can run it any time when you want to reftresh your local "mirror" of the GAL mailboxes. The flow can work only with mailboxes - it ignores the groups and organization mail contacts.
This flow deletes emails in the "Junk Email" folder based on the display name of the sender address.
This flow allows you to send an approval request the same way as Outlook does. The flow provides an alternative of Office 365 "Send Email with Options" action. After clicking Reject you get a warning and then after selecting "Edit the response before sending" and clicking OK you'll get the editable reject message to send comments.
AntiSpoofing flow retrieves the display name of the sender and search for this display name in the list of mailboxes of your organization. If it finds a mailbox with this name and different address, it moves a message to the Junk E-mail folder and adds the category "Possible spoof".
This flow moves the incoming messages addressed to aliases to subfolders under Inbox. The flow creates new subfolder for each new alias.
This flow moves all emails older that X days from the Inbox folder to the Archive folder.
This flow moves ingoing email from Inbox to subfolders of Inbox based on the substring of the Subject line.
This flow copies events from the source calendar to the default personal calendar of each member of the target distribution list. It copies both standard and recurrent events.
This template can be a base for your customized Power Automate flow that handles email messages. You can use it as an Exchange online transport rule that executes Approve/Reject action based on some criteria.
RoundRobin_Shared flow moves the messages delivered to the selected email folder of a shared mailbox to its subfolders using so called round robin algorithm.
RoundRobin flow moves the messages delivered to the selected email folder of a user mailbox to its subfolders using so called round robin algorithm.
DelayOutOfHoursEmails is a Power Automate flow template to delay messages that are sent out of working hours.
This flow ensures that any email placed in the given folder will be automatically forwarded to the predefined email address.
ModifyAndForward flow template allows you to modify the message before forwarding.
Using GetMessageClass flow template you can get the the messages class and place it to a variable. The package includes 2 flows: one for a user mailbox and another for a shared mailbox.
ScheduledOOF is a Power Automate flow that can toggle Automatic Replies (Out Of Office) on/off based on the recursive appointment.
ModifyNotification does the following:
TagExternal does not change the subject line and body to mark a message but assigns a special category to a message to mark it as external.
Microsoft native External tagging is an org-wide setting. You cannot deploy it to subset of users. DisableTagging sets the MAPI property 'IsExternalSender' to false. It means the External tag will not appear on ingoing messages of the given mailbox.
MoveToJunk Flow moves a message that contains predefined trigger word in the From address to the "Junk Email" folder.
FromJunkToInbox is a Power Automate flow that moves any email delivered to the Junk Email folder to Inbox folder. Why? To bypass the junk email filtering.
FromJunkToInbox is a Power Automate flow that moves any email delivered to the Junk Email folder to Inbox folder. Why? To bypass the junk email filtering.
EmptyJunk is a Power Automate flow that moves any email delivered to the Junk Email folder to Inbox folder. Why? To bypass the junk email filtering. This flow can be used tenant-wide.
A tool for Office 365 users who send mail from a shared mailbox. It moves a message sent from a shared mailbox to user's Deleted items folder.
GetRealSenderScheduled flow ensures that the message sent with the shared mailbox stays in the mailbox that it originated from (i.e., the sent message goes to Sent Items folder of the shared mailbox the item was sent from). Also, you can see who the original author of the message was.
As you know, users who have full access to the shared mailbox do not see emails sent as "private". The emails are just silently hidden by outlook without any further notice. If you open the same mailbox in OWA, you will see any private email.
SetSensitivity flow changes sensitivity flag to "Normal" for any message delivered to a shared mailbox. After that the message is displayed normally in Outlook.
Current Power Automate has no action to assign a category to a message. AssignCategory template shows how you can do that.
HappyBirthday is a Power Automate flow template to send a single email out to the company listing all people who are celebrating their birthday on that day.
WebsiteWatchDog runs periodically and check the status of your website. In case the status is not equal to 200, you will get a warning email.
IfReplied flow allows you to distinct between replied and unreplied messages.
IfReplied flow allows you to distinct between replied and unreplied messages.
FlexAliases flow moves the incoming plus addressed messages to subfolders under Inbox. The flow creates new subfolder for each new plus address (subaddress).
SentItemsToInbox flow copies or moves email you sent to your Inbox.
The flow counts the number of unread e-mails and the total number of emails in a given folder (and its subfolders) of a given mailbox and then sends a report email.
FromFocusedToOther flow moves messages from the Focused tab in the Inbox folder to the Other tab based on a keyword in the subject line.
The flow moves a message that has an empty From address <> to the "Junk Email" folder.
GetTimezoneByCountryCodeAndZip flow returns the local time and time zone by given country code and zip code.
The flow applies a flag to incoming message if the sender is a member of a certain group.
AutoBCC forwards as BCC any email you have sent.
This flow scans all emails in the Outlook folder "EmailDraftToSenders" and creates the email draft where the "To:" field is populated with the senders of emails addresses.